Terms and Conditions WeChannel.nl

                In these Terms and Conditions, the following terms have the following meanings:
                WeChannel.nl is an Amsterdam-based company registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 76052311
                APIs: the Application Programming Interfaces that WeChannel.nl offers to customers, with which the customer can link his website with accounting programs.
                Subscription: the agreement between WeChannel.nl and the customer for the use of the APIs.
                Customer: the natural person or legal person who has taken out a Subscription with WeChannel.nl.

                2.1. These General Terms and Conditions apply to all Subscriptions and all other services of WeChannel.nl.
                2.2. Deviations from these General Terms and Conditions are only valid if confirmed in writing by WeChannel.nl.

                3.1. The Subscription is entered into for a period of at least one month.
                3.2. The Subscription is automatically extended for the same period, unless the customer cancels the Subscription in accordance with Article 4.
                3.3. WeChannel.nl reserves the right to change the APIs and/or prices of the Subscription. The customer will be informed of this in good time.

                4.1. Cancellation of the Subscription must be made in writing.
                4.2. If the customer cancels the Subscription before the end of the agreed contract term, the customer will continue to owe the Subscription Fee for the entire contract term.
                4.3. WeChannel.nl reserves the right to terminate the Subscription without giving any reason. In that case, WeChannel.nl will refund the Subscription Fee pro rata to the Customer.

                5.1. The customer owes the Subscription Fee in accordance with the agreed price and payment terms.
                5.2. If the customer does not pay on time, he is in default without notice of default being required. WeChannel.nl reserves the right to temporarily or permanently decommission the APIs until the customer has paid in full.

                6.1. WeChannel is in no way liable for any damage resulting from the use of the APIs by the customer, regardless of the cause of the damage. We take no responsibility for any loss, damage or cost, direct or indirect, arising from the use of the APIs. It is the customer's responsibility to properly set up and use the APIs and to ensure that the APIs are monitored and maintained.

                Intellectual Property
                7.1. The intellectual property rights to the APIs and all other materials made available to the customer by WeChannel.nl remain at all times with WeChannel.nl or its licensors.
                7.2. The customer is not permitted to reproduce, publish, distribute or use the APIs and/or other materials made available by WeChannel.nl in any other way than agreed in the Subscription.

                Force majeur
                8.1. WeChannel.nl is not liable for any shortcoming in the fulfillment of its obligations towards the customer if this shortcoming is the result of force majeure.
                8.2. Force majeure means any circumstance beyond the will and control of WeChannel.nl that temporarily or permanently prevents the fulfillment of its obligations, such as war, fire, flood, strike, illness or lack of personnel, failure of internet connections, network attacks and other technical malfunctions. .

                9.1. WeChannel.nl processes personal data of customers in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The privacy policy of WeChannel.nl can be found on the website of WeChannel.nl.
                9.2. The customer gives WeChannel.nl permission to process his personal data in the context of the implementation of the Subscription and the provision of information about the services of WeChannel.nl.

                Applicable law and disputes
                10.1. Dutch law applies to all legal relationships between WeChannel.nl and the customer.
                10.2. All disputes arising from or related to the Subscription will be submitted to the competent court in Amsterdam.

                Final Provisions
                11.1. If one or more provisions of these General Terms and Conditions are void or voidable, the other provisions will remain in force. In that case, WeChannel.nl and the customer will enter into consultation to agree on a new provision that is as close as possible to the void or voidable provision.
                11.2. These Terms and Conditions are effective from April 1, 2023 and supersede all previous versions.